Frequently asked questions about the app "IntelliMon Mobile for Zabbix"

I get unexplained error messages, what can I do?

If you are receiving unexplained error messages, please try clearing your app cache. You can clear your app cache within the app by navigating to the Settings page and clicking "Clear all Caches". If this does not resolve your issue, please contact us.

Can I switch between subscriptions?

Yes. To switch between subscriptions, navigate to the "Settings" page and click "Change Subscription" under the "Subscription Settings" section.
Andorid users need to cancel their old subscription in the Play Store to avoid paying for both variants.

Where can I turn off automatic subscription renewal?

To turn off auto-renew, navigate to the "Settings" page and click on "Manage subscriptions" in the the "Subscription Settings" section. This will open a browser window to your Apple iTunes account or Google account. You can also manage auto-renewal from a web browser.

I removed the app or have a new phone, now my subscription is gone

If your subscription is still active you can simply click on "Restore Purchase" on the purchase screen. This will restrore the subscription on your device. Note: You cannot transfer purchases from Apple to Google and vice versa.

 I found a bug or have a feature request, what should i do?

If you found a bug or want a new feature, please let us know about it. You can use our feedback form accessable from the "Settings" page or send an email to "".

Can I use any Zabbix server?

Yes, you can use any Zabbix server that you have access to and that is supported. The app supports the 2 latest Zabbix LTS versions and their major versions.

How can I see problems of hosts in maintenance?

To see the problems of hosts in maintenance, click the filter icon in the upper right corner of the Open Problems or Closed Problems page. Here you have many filter options, including the "Show suppressed issues" option. Enable this option to see issues from hosts in maintenance.

How to use filter?

On all the Zabbix client pages you see in the navigation, you have many filtering options to show only the elements you are interested in. To configure your filtering options, click on the filter icon in the upper right corner. Here you will see a detailed dialog with a variety of options you can set. 

What is the difference between the filter icon and the search box in the header?

The filter icon allows you to set up more complex filters. The search icon is a text search that depends on the context.

I am missing some issues/triggers/host groups/hosts/entries. Why actually?

Please make sure you do not have any filter options enabled that exclude your elements. To reset all filter options, click on the filter icon in the upper right corner and click "Reset Filter".

What do the colored headers on the problem/trigger card mean?

The colored headers on the Open Issues, Closed Issues, and Triggers cards indicate the severity of those issues/triggers.
"Unclassified" = Gray
"Information" = Blue
"Warning" = Yellow
"Average" = Orange
"High" = Red
"Disaster" = Dark red

What do the differnet colors for hosts cards mean?

The colored host cards show the host status.
"Norma" = Blue
"Maintenance" = Yellow
"Disabled" = Grey

Why does the item details page take a long time to load for some items?

Depending on how much historical data you want to retrieve, the loading time can vary from seconds to minutes. This especially affects text- and logitems with a lot of data and small intervals.